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Thirsty? Drink Deep!

Delight in the Law of the LORD and be like a fruit tree planted by streams of water (Psalm 1:2&3, paraphrased)

When I began my homeschool journey, it was scary. I was positive that I was unprepared for the task at hand. I didn't have a degree, I didn't have proper curriculum, I didn't have a plan. I only knew that brick and mortar school had not given my children the foundation that they needed. It was time for a change. Thus I began this journey with my girls and we began to learn together. It wasn't easy. In fact many days were utter chaos and we cried angry tears. We muddled through each day blindly and I knew there had to be a better way. We weren't going back, public school had failed my children. I wasn't going to give up.

My desperation grew, oh why did I wait so long? I got up earlier, went to bed later. My tired eyes moaned to the Lord...why? How? When I let go of my control Jesus gently sent emissaries to help me, to show me the way. Gradually, I began each day with the Word. Some days the Word is all we would do. Those were the struggling days, the crying days, the frustrated angry days. I thought the season would never end!

Slowly, ever so slowly, my repertoire grew. Slowly, ever so slowly, my girls blossomed. The crying ended, and joy erupted as they learned together. I began to enjoy my daughters. Being with them 24/7 was not a burden but a joy.

Meet the Ninja parents 

We are Samantha and Ray...

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